Friday, April 4, 2008

Little Einstein comes to the rescue!!

Almost everyday is a big tussle to get Betu to get ready for school as he would want to keep saying "5 minutes" every time I would ask him to brush his teeth or come for bath. I even wonder if he knows "5-minutes" as such. He must have heard us using it and now its become his favorite way of saying no when we ask him to do something. His 5 minutes keep getting extended.

Anyhow, so talking about Little Einstein, I recently discovered it is aired on Disney Channel at 7:30 AM every weekday. Since he loves to watch it, it has come to my rescue very well. I wake him around 6:45 or 7:00 AM and then coax him to get ready fast saying "Jaldi karo nahin to Little Einstein finish ho jayega!" (Be quick else the program will get over) and it works! Touch wood!

I've him ready mostly by 7:30 AM these days, give him something to eat before I head for my bath or do some little errands and we are all set to leave by 8:10 AM.

What tricks we parents have to use to make our children do what we want! But thankfully they work!! :D