Saturday, August 9, 2008

Back in action!

Up and about! Running here and there! Making a complete mess of the living room! Playing with his toys and leaving them scattered! Yes. So as you can see regular functioning has been resumed much to the agony of Mumma dear! But then Mumma dear is read y to bear this agony rather than Betu being sick :)

Here is one pic of Betu playing with his new Thomas train set -


  1. Hey, very glad that he's well :-)

  2. Yay, glad to see him back to form :D

  3. Happy to see him cheerful as ever :) Seems to have lost some weight though.

  4. good to see him back in action!! :D

  5. touch wood! Puichchas to him. He's looking so cute! and happy!

  6. That describes my brat's behaviour in the midst of his feverish times. The kid cannot stay in one place and I feel that is fueling the fever as well. It basically is at its lowest after he sleeps...

    So glad Betu is better now...

  7. God to know Betu is back to his normal self. And so mamma can resume 'cleaner' duty than worry and feel guilty.
